I have had Prism for over a year now. I can't even type out the amount of stuff and how hard I've tried to give him a good life. I've asked professionals for help, I've come here and gotten help from some people. I've taken everyone's advice as best I can.

But my guy still looks really sick. I just changed him over from gravel to substrate today. I've also started treating him with Melafix. But I'm scared that it's too late and he's going to die soon.

Is there any hope for him? Please be gentle, I'm really upset about this.


Posted by BsBMamaBear0608


  1. ParkingAerie8812 on

    Please answer the bot’s questions. Also, don’t use melafix. It has an oil ingredient (I believe tea tree?) that makes it unsafe for fish with a labyrinth organ. It will clog Prism’s labyrinth!

  2. Bettas-Living-Better on

    Prism appears to have some pretty serious fin rot. Kanaplex is a good medication to help with this kind of bacterial infection. If you can’t get your hands on medications, keeping the water very clean and adding some Indian almond leaves can help to some degree. If he is struggling to swim I would probably lower his water a bit so he doesn’t have to swim so far to the top. Without water parameters it’s a bit of a guessing game with what’s going on and what needs to be fixed.

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