Anybody have any ideas for stocking or just the tank in general it’s a 31 gal rn I have some cherry shrimp and snails in it

Posted by Ok-Illustrator-8832


  1. AppearanceFew404 on

    First of all: beautiful tank! (I’m kind of jealous)

    Secondly I have a couple of suggestions for you! Keep some Cory cats at the bottom, a few amano shrimp to help eat any unwanted algae, 1-2 honey gouramis for center pieces, and some neon/Cardinal tetras.

    Or if you’re feeling interesting, get a german blue ram for a centerpiece, and some harlequin raspboras. Just keep in mind that GBR need high temp tanks like 81-82+ degrees farnheneit.

    Good luck with whatever stocking you chose!

  2. VirtualRun4642 on

    Guppies!!! I just love them tbh would look so pretty with the greenery in the back if you got some brightly colored ones

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