the past week I noticed my Moonie resting more than usual, I thought absolutely nothing of it and guessed that she had just finally worked out where the good rest spots were (I haven’t had her long at all) I was out all day on Monday, but saw her in the evening. She looked a little bloated but it didn’t seem extreme. Yesterday I didn’t see her all day, then when I did I noticed she was pineconing. Dropsy in bettas messes me up so much since having to euthanise my most special betta. I know it was for the best but I felt like a murderer and that I didn’t do enough and I couldn’t get it out of my head. We don’t use clove oil. I haven’t seen her this morning, I assume she has no energy. If she is still alive, would it be kinder to euthanise or attempt to treat her? I know dropsy is something that usually comes back and I really don’t know if she’s treatable atp and I feel so awful. After Moonie I will only have 1 betta left and most likely my last because these fish rlly break ur heart and I don’t think I can handle another :,,,)

Posted by neonsharkz

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