Month old fly line sliced into by the loop of my leader. Has this happened to anyone else and is there a way to fix it (other than going nail knot)?

Posted by generallyrelative


  1. Make sure you are looping the leader properly and it’s a handshake loop knot and not a cutting loop knot. There is a difference and could have caused this.

    However, I would just run it as is the only thing it could hurt slightly is floating if water starts to get in under the plastic cover.

  2. Happens to literally every live I have ever used. Just keep fishing it. Once it breaks then you can do a nail bit to perfection loop.

  3. LookAtThatTrout on

    Is it actually sliced into or just indented from use? If it’s sliced into and the cores exposed you’ll wanna replace it. You could try to warranty it depending on what brand it is.

  4. ZephyrWatermelon on

    You starting with putting line through leader or leader through line? One makes a handshake knot, the other makes a cutting knot

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