So when I had agreed to helping her clean her tank I thought she was going to do a tank with aqua soil and have plants and not have a 10 gallon tank with 8 gold fish. Before the gold fish the tank had a bunch of guppies and they got eaten or died off as the weeks went by. I had went with her to buy the supplies and the fish tank the day we set up the tank. But she had said no to the aqua soil and the live plants. And now whenever I go do the water change or maintenance once every 2 weeks the water is like a very yellow ish color and the filter creates this dirt. I told her that these fishes are meant for bigger tanks or an outside tank but she just kind of laughs it away with a joke.

Posted by SnooTangerines6960


  1. SnooTangerines6960 on

    I don’t mind cleaning it but the smell of the water and how dirty everything gets makes me feel uncomfortable and disgusted by it. The pictures I posted is what it looks like after I did a water change but the water gets nastier than that.

  2. Upper-Violinist6173 on

    Wtf. Any tank at a pet store has more stuff in it than this… how do people justify having what looks like a stock tank for a Vietnamese seafood restaurant inside their home?

    Be honest with her. Chances are she won’t want to clean the gunk at all if she already had you doing it. Explain to her that if she actually invested like $100 in aqua soil and some plants off eBay, she could minimize all that waste that’s gunking up the filter! Not to mention the fish will be happier!

  3. metalhead_mama on

    Just like that. Let her know she is abusing these fish and you cannot aid in the neglect of living beings

  4. Massive_Durian296 on

    just be honest with her. and maybe if shes forced to do it herself, she’ll rehome them and they can have better lives. i feel like its sort of just enabling her at this point to keep doing it.

  5. Just tell her the truth! Or- if she’s unwilling, maybe offer to take it off her hands and rehome the goldfish then buy the plants and aqua soil and start over.

  6. Show her how to do it. She’ll quickly learn how gross it gets, and then use this as a way to introduce a more natural setup that would require far less maintenance.

    I’m assuming she’s an adult, so should be capable of such a basic task.

  7. Alpaca_Dorothy on

    Wait a sec, are those guppies with goldfish? This tells just about how much the neighbour cares about the tank and those poor fish.

  8. Like other people have said, tell her the truth. Maybe focus on using “I” statements and explaining your feelings.

    Also, to add, only doing a water change biweekly isn’t enough for a tank like this. I’d be changing the water every day with this tank – not that this is a good tank in the slightest (it’s WAY overstocked).This tank isn’t your fault, and you shouldn’t be the one having to change this tank.

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