Was on the Russian in Coopers Landing yesterday catching rainbows on a bead. The river was just loaded with spawned out sockeye but never even accidentally flossed one. About an hour before I left decided to toss on a mouse fly to try and get a big rainbow just to say I did. The water wasn’t more than 10” deep so you could see everything, and a mean sockeye buck just smashed this thing on the surface. Wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it for myself.

Posted by thagoodlife


  1. They do that sometimes. I’ve had sockeye hens slam egg sucking leaches before like they were pissed off at the world. It’s crazy.

  2. what are those tool holders you use? sorry for the wrong terminiology. The lil loopy guys going to your nipper’s and forceps. Whats the metal thing and the loopy guy? Thanks!

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