My fish for the past week responds and is active, but I can't tell if he's eating and he has just been tilted towards the top. His face also looks a bit weird? I've been using ammo lock and quick start and changing his water sparingly to not spook him too much, but I think the water wasnt good for him? He also has had flared gills since I got him, like they never went down. I've had him for a few months. Does this make him more sensitive to poisoning? I can't tell if he has a tumor under his mouth too. He doesn't move much at all, is he dying?

Posted by Adventurous_Point685


  1. 44Northside44 on

    Looks like dropsy, I’m unsure how to treat that but I would google it and see if it’s a match

  2. Looks like fin rot to me. Takes about a week to treat. Just remember to pull the carbon part of your filter out or it’ll steal all the medicine.

  3. alaskadotpink on

    he’s bloated and it’s looks like he has raised scales which would indicate dropsy. i’ve seen it successfully treated once or twice (i never managed personally) but it’s extremely unlikely.

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