Hi, i’ve had my betta for over 1.5 years now (from PetSmart). I noticed last week during a water change (can’t remember if it was there prior), I noticed one of her eyes was larger than the other (see photo 4).

I initially treated with Bettafix (now i know how bad that was, it was recommended by the Persmart employee 😫) after about 2 days, I learned how bad it was and have been slowly changing the water out and started treating with aquarium salt instead. I came back out of from out of town and have seen that her eye has progressed to this. I don’t know what to do and I don’t want it to progress worse if there’s something I can do now


Posted by trainofth0t

1 Comment

  1. 5 gal tank
    Heater and Filter
    Between 80-82 F
    From strip test:
    Nitrates – 0 ppm
    pH – 6.5
    KH – 40ppm
    GH – 120-180 ppm
    Had tank and fish for >1.5 yrs
    weekly ~15% water changes – ~ 35% monthly or so. Clean/change filter and remove dead leaves. I do a greater water change and I move/add things to the tank every 6 or so months

    One tank mate, a snail (not sure the exact type but have had no issues in > 1 yr.

    All real plants, I just removed some fake ones that was on the decor piece (see pic 4) once i noticed her eye and assumed they may have injured her.
    Feed ~2x a day pellets/flakes and occasionally a shrimp. Fast her accordingly.

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