She eat and she very active but she look like she has pine cone disease, I donā€™t know what to do because she doesnā€™t look like sick but im traumatised by my old fish who passed away from pine cone disease. Does this one also have pine cone disease?? Please help mee

Posted by Physical_Potential45


  1. I see definitely pineconing. Never had it happen to my bettas before. But imo treat her for pineconing watch youtube or google for vids.

  2. I see the scales sticking out pretty good and she looks swollen. Look i never experiemced it with my own betta but what ive seen here and online im 90% sure that’s dropsy but maybe someone has second opinion.

  3. His scales are swollen out and it will be quite difficult to get him back to health. He may have an infection from the plants or decorations in the tank. You should remove all the decorations until he is well. Lower the water and add sea salt No iodine, don’t feed him until he’s better I wish him well soonšŸ„¹

  4. I use about 6-8 grains of salt per liter of water, add a little more if you use more water. Honestly, it is a very difficult disease to cure

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