Hi, so I had Nova (my betta) for a month and I love him unconditionally. (The food that you see on the leaves is because I just feeded them, It’s not dirtiness)
As you can see he’s bloated but very active and doesn’t sit at the bottom of the tank like a sick betta would do.
I tried tannin baths, to fast him for one day and one day of aquarium salt for 10 minutes, I know i should do it more times but I don’t want to stress him more taking him out of the tank since he’s active and doesn’t have signes of sickness.
I think that I don’t overfeed him, once in a couple of days I give him frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms. I have him in 8 gal and the tank is full of natural plants and a healthy and clean environment.
I know daphnia is very good for bloating, but he doesn’t eat them, he eats and then spits it out.
I really don’t know what should I do next, if you could help me it would mean the world to me.
Thank you.

Posted by Ambitious_Story2399

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