I hate reading these tests! What do you think? 10? 20? 5000???

Posted by Azron21


  1. Thatonecoolperson07 on

    Jesus, do hella water changes, 2 times a week at least 3 would be better, Tuesdays and Fridays or Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays

  2. One-Payment434 on

    Test is invalid, you put more than 5 ml water in the tube.

     Otherwise it would be around 10, but the exact value is not important (unless you have shrimp or weird demanding fish), fish will do fine with nitrate levels up to 50-100 ppm. Your plants will help keep nitrates down

    Edit: apparently there are kits that require adding 20 drops, 1ml, so ignore my first comment

  3. Doesn’t matter. I would place it in the 10-20 ppm range. For API master kit, except ammonia and nitrites, which should be at 0, nitrates and pH chart color differentiation is difficult. So, you gotta take a range as an approx based on the color.

    Unless you are cycling/going for nitrate limitation for red plants coloration, 10-20 ppm is absolutely fine and I consider to be a sweet spot for planted tanks.

  4. Worried_Day661 on

    I hold it up to the light. Sometimes it helps xD but I definitely know what you mean

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