How can I make it better? I’m open to any suggestions.

Posted by Responsible_Pea_3072


  1. Definitely not shitty!! Just needs more plant cover 🙂 looks really great so far

    Edit: I highly suggest some floating plants!

  2. I’m setting up a tank right now and I have also been grappling with the question of what color to make the sand and how to set it up. A few thoughts: 1) I would add three rocks, with smooth edges, towards the middle around the base of the driftwood. I would redistribute the plants so there cluster/more dense area at the base of the driftwood. Consider tying anubias or Java fern to the driftwood at the middle. Also, I’d sprinkle a few pebbles at the base of the driftwood. Finally, the sand. Obviously it’s a personal preference, but I also bought black thinking it would let my fish stand out, but he problem is it looks so unnatural. Consider getting 1-3mm diameter grains of beach sand. Good luck!

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