Before the Comments come in about id my fish before keeping it . I know it's not a native cutthroat and with that being said either brook or brown is invasive . DNR made a statement that included this river in a limit increase to 8 with no size limit . Now when I first started catching them I thought they were browns . Then after seeing a small white line on the outside of the fin I second guessed myself that I was catching brooks . Blacksmith fork river , UT.

Posted by Ok_Mood_6638


  1. Brown trout. The *Salmo* genus fish (brown trout and Atlantic salmon) have big dark spots on their operculum (gill cover), whereas the *Salvelinus* genus fish (Brook trout, Dolly Varden, Arctic char, Lake trout, etc) do not. Also, the char species will have light spots on a dark body while this fish has dark spots on a light body. Brown trout will often have the white stripe on the lower fins.

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