This here is the Z Belt surf bag setup. Two tube surf bag, 8 inch single tube bag. And gen 2 belt. Upon arrival the product and quality looks amazing. I wasn’t even questioning the craftsmanship. But when I pulled the bottom leader tab it had ripped off with little to no effort. From further inspection it was because it wasn’t sewn properly at all. The top was sewn right in the middle and is how it should’ve been STRONG. The bottom was sewn at the seam and got destroyed with one pull. To make matters worse, my $85 dollar belt didn’t even come with a belt buckle so I have to send that back in as well. What a disaster this was. This isn’t to shit on the guy but to mainly show things CAN happen. And not to tell the customer that “I’ve sold over 1000 bags, this has never happened” “I’ll send you a video of how to properly open the Velcro” kind of disappointed in the response not gonna lie. Only credit I’ll give him is allowing me to send it back so that he can remedy this situation as he should. Other than that, not a first good impression. Only one thing came in just fine and that was the single tube bag. Looks like I’ll cancel this weekends fishing trip.

Posted by DirrttyyCivilian

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