My tank hit its first year on August 16th! I included some old photos from around when I first planted it.

I ditched the rotala because I was tired of trimming it all the time. The amazon swords have always done great but the val took months to finally take off.

I think I've gravel vacuumed twice over the year.

I got rid of the duckweed (well kind of, i just scoop out what I can find once a month) and frogbit. The val shades my dwarf chain sword a bit too much already so I got rid of floaters.

I might ditch the couple of ludwigia stems in there as well but I'll see.

Currently planted with:
Amazon swords
Dwarf chain sword
Java moss
Java ferns

Substrate is gravel with a few seachem root tabs.

29 gallons.
Aqua clear 70 HOB
Aquarium coop easy plant LED.

8 black neon tetras
1 pb dwarf gourami
8 julii cories

1 glowlight tetra and 1 salt and pepper cory that I took from my mother's tank after the rest of hers died.

Posted by disturbed_moose

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