I picked up this tank including fish yesterday. It came with the two pieces of wood in the back and I added some rocks spider wood and plants. The fish came with the tank but I’m worried about the stocking. I’ve had time to research my other tanks but this one was sprung on me. I’ve already removed 3 clown killis and gave them their dedicated tank where I only had a small shrimp colony and 10 endlers that got their other tank with my 3 lesser dwarf cray. In this tank are about 5 white clouds 3 platys 3 barbs and a group of swords I haven’t been able to count properly but about 10. A single hill stream loach ( I want to get him more friends) a bristle nose 3 otos and about 40 shrimp. Is this fine? They seem to be doing ok. The tank is a 20 gallon temps at 24 ish I didn’t change the temp he had it set at but is this good?

Posted by Lucky_lule

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