Recently I’ve noticed the side of his face a bit scaly or white. I’ve done some research and don’t know enough to say fkrshre if it could be ick or could be nothing. This fish ( sabastian ) has me stressin out everyday about him I really don’t want the worst to happen to him and it be my fault. I’m doing regular water changes about 25 percent every cpl
Days or 50 percent once a week . I sifon the the tank . Wipe it down . They’re was a snail out break I think from over feeding but they’ve been taken care of. I’ll attach a picture any help
I would appreciate a lot . Ever since I found out betta fish can reconjze their owners and him
Coming up to see me everyday getting excited this fish has got a hold on me lol I find myself staring at the tank all day . Thinking if he’s ok , happy etc . Any help thank you a lot. Have him in a 5 gallon atm upgrading him this week to a 10 gallon for more room and usual real plants I’ll be adding back in after I buy some new ones tmr .

Posted by KINGNIKO204

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