I bought this spiner bait at Walmart for 7$ tried it and got not bites is what water should this supposed to be good at? N do you think this could fool the fish?

Posted by Sudden_Antelope_9042


  1. Icy_Interview_6733 on

    It’s a good bait, sometimes the fish just don’t want to bite, or there aren’t fish there, or it’s the wrong type of fish, or wrong time of day, or year, or the fish are over pressured, or you’re retrieving in a way they don’t like, or it’s the wrong size of fish… I could keep going. It’s a good bait, keep trying!

  2. Own_Potato_4763 on

    Getting those smaller spinners to track correctly can be tricky. Your blade might not be spinning which would throw off the action. Also, any sort of weeds that get caught in it will foul it up too. When it hits the water and sinks for a second, give a small twitch/pop with your rod tip to get that blade spinning. You should be able to feel the difference if it’s spinning or not.
    I’ve had my best luck with those spinners in medium sized creeks and rivers or maybe shallow ponds that hold panfish of some kind.

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