I've had a female betta for about a year now living with about eight Cory's that she likes to hang out with (I joke that she thinks she is one since they're always hanging out together)

lately I've gotten worried with how she's almost always at the bottom of the tank now with them. They sleep together in a cave in the tank and she avoids her food to instead eat sinking pellets with them. She still shows excitement and will greet me every morning or whenever I approach the tank. But I'm wondering if this is abnormal behavior? Or does she just love her buddies and likes their company?


Posted by Aggravating-Tart2744


  1. Inevitable_Version10 on

    That is so adorable. I don’t think there is anything to worry about, no violence. You got lucky. 🍀

  2. Strict-Seesaw-8954 on

    I like the fact you have 8 cories 

    Is that substrate eco complete?

    As for her behaviour at the bottom, it kind of depends. Does she spend any time in the rest of the water column?

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