I’m introducing 3 guppies to tank with my Betta (Simon).

Based off this initial reaction and constant flaring, should I not even put them in?


Posted by Inevitable_Version10


  1. I don’t see why you can’t. They’re smaller and faster than he is. He’ll nip if they get close but they’ll learn. Had some with all of mine. Did great. Just watch them

  2. I’d say you probably shouldn’t, if that’s the reaction he has when they’re in the bag.

  3. I think anything colorful with flowing fins is a bad betta tank-mate. Get some fast, small tetras or something.

  4. Remove the betta, rearrange the decor, add in guppies (preferably after quarantine) and add the betta back in last

  5. UmmHelloIGuess on

    Good chance the betta will eat their tails. You can give it a try but be prepared to sperate them

  6. I don’t think it’s deep enough for beta and guppies. Bettas are top level swimmers and there isn’t anywhere for the guppies to dive to to hide. Bettas are cool to make the guppies school, but there has to be more room. some Bettas are more aggressive and you will loose some guppies.

  7. applegorechard on

    in my experience, bettas rarely accept tankmates if theyre added after themselves.  

    But if you add a betta to an established group of fish, better chance they will be calmer about it.  (Like they survey the new tank and fish, and include them in their turf)

    but also sometimes theyre just too territorial for fish tank mates, you need to be ready to remove them pretty quickly. 

  8. Adventurous_Equal489 on

    Even if your betta had a gentle and passive personality that get along with other fish, it’s probably a bad idea. Guppies from experience while not super aggressive are quite ornery. They’d probably end up pissing off your betta and get killed.

  9. I had a guppy with my betta and shrimps (came as a surprise with my plants)… Since my betta was peacefull, it’s the guppy who kept attacking my betta’s tail, I had to rehome him.

  10. I’ve only gotten guppies to work with Betta once- she was a disabled Betta with a damaged swim bladder.

  11. Affectionate-Set-112 on

    I had a very docile make betta who lived his endler guppy friends. He did hate all the babies they made though

  12. Betta_times_ahead on

    My betta in my community tank tried to murder everyone when I put her in. She spent 2 or 3 days in a container in the tank and now gets along great.

    However, guppies are a whole other story. They’re nippy. I’ve had a betta in with guppies before, and he tolerated it until they wouldn’t leave him alone, and he tried to murder them.

    For the best results, the betta should be added last after the other fish have found hiding spots and watch them a lot for the first bit. He’s not the most aggressive I’ve seen, but he might kill them.

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