Was in Alaska and didn’t really have an opportunity to fish but brought a rod just in case. At some point while driving I pulled off on the side of the road near a creek to see if I could spot any salmon running. Well, that was pretty easy—there were a ton of recently spawned out sockeye in the creek, which I of course was just watching and had no desire to disturb.

But after a while of watching I was able to pick out the sight of some Dolly Varden holding behind these salmon to eat their eggs and rotting flesh. Despite their reputation, I’d always wanted to catch one of these fish so I strung up my rod and made a few targeted casts while being extremely careful not to foul hook any salmon. A few minutes later, I had my first Dolly.

Posted by 409yeager

1 Comment

  1. Want to be extremely clear that I was very careful not to disturb these salmon. They are the lifeblood of the Pacific Northwest and face enough challenges getting to spawn. These fish had probably already dodged thousands of weighted treble hooks on their way in from the ocean. I did not bother them.

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