My son is 12 weeks today and it’s the first time I took him out solo (my wife is dope and also comes to fish often).

First fish I caught without my phone. The bass in my first pic was best of the morning. Second pic was funny bc it’s one of the smallest bass I’ve ever caught on a sluggo. Final pic is when my mom/his grandma came towards the end. I got a scale on it (bc I was actually near the truck) and it was 3.7.

Core memory unlocked. First time catching a fish with just my son and me together.

I don’t want time to go too fast, but I am pretty dang excited to watch him land a fish on his own for the first time.

Posted by yooter


  1. coffeeandtrout on

    I remember my Pop taking me fishing, my guess would be 1965? One of my first formative memories, he was flyfishing, I was in one of those old school kiddie backpacks where you faced forward. I can vividly remember the fly and fly line zipping over his shoulder and my head. He’d clean the trout and stick it in a little creel and cover them with moss, I can’t remember eating them though. Thats a memory that will last forever (for me 50 plus years). Good on you and glad you had an opportunity to do something like this. It’s pretty special.

  2. LittleBitWarm on

    Good on your for getting him out young and building bonding/memories. You may want to invest in a nice fishing hat for your little buddy!

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