My otos have decided they hate me and find me terrifying.

First month I had them, they were out front every day, are wafers voraciously. They'd jump when I got up from my chair but wouldn't lose their minds or anything.

Now several months later I never see them. The wafers remain on the ground sadly uneaten. The little buggers only emerge at night, I wouldn't even know for sure I still had all 6 if I hadn't just caught them all and relocated them to a 63 gal, where they continue to lose their minds and zoom all over the tank whenever I approach.

What happened to our love, guys?

Posted by TheOneIShareTanksOn


  1. TheOneIShareTanksOn on

    It’s making me apprehensive about getting certain fish like khulis, too. I don’t want fish I never see! Buggers.

  2. This happened to me as well, although it took them around a year to start fearing me. I have to turn on a faint light in the room at night to make sure they’re all still there.

    They do show their faces around once I place the algae wafers though

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