How can I better my aquarium? It’s my very first aquarium and I don’t know if it’s okay or if I should change something

Posted by brotelloppa4


  1. UnusualOriginal5537 on

    If you want it planted then you need to get sand substrate or aquasoil like Fluval stratum. Also you need at least 6 neon tetras. But besides that it looks decent. I’d reccomend getting dwarf sag or valisneria and letting that take over for a nice jungle look. Possibly a better light too, I reccomend the NiCrew classic LED as it pumps out good light and comes with a built in timer.

  2. justmyfishaccount on

    It’s a solid first attempt. Plants need time to fill out. I agree with the other commenter, though changing out substrate could be a challenge.

    I’d recommend adding some floating plants like water lettuce. Not growth limited by CO2, suck up lots of nutrients, super easy to grow.

  3. One-Payment434 on

    Despite what others say, you don’t need any special substrate for your plants, the gravel you have will do just fine. You may want to add a few centimeters of it though, to better hold the plants. I keep my plants, including vallisneria, in plain sand, no soil or roottabs required

  4. The Hygrophil could do okay in gravel with root tab fertilizer…if you are not interested in changing substrate right now. Keep adding some easy plants and it will fill out. Enjoy.

  5. plantsomeguppies on

    Honestly,it’s a decent first attempt. First, I would get the basics right and then move big. Have a substrate that is deep. Dedicate 10 to 15% of the height to a substrate, use soil, Aqua soil or sand – it’s going to do you more good than a gravel substrate as it can house beneficial bacteria and worms that help clean your tank.
    Second, get some beginner friendly high nitrite sucking plants – Amazon sword, Java fern, Anubias, etc.
    Third, Keep Neons in larger groups, give them space to hide – Plants are the best option. Keep at least 6-8 Neons together
    Last, add a few beneficial snails that do some job like Rabbit Snail, Ramshorn, Bladder (it won’t over populate if you don’t overfeed)

    Kudos for the curiosity and the mindset to learn.

  6. If u want a natural looking aquarium, u should add some substrate like fluval, your aquarium is perfect for a first aquarium/ecosystem you don’t need more then 5-8 kg of substrate (can leave ur substrate if u like it and put just some fluval substrate for nutrients) try some easy plants to grow like float plants (be careful with that light u don’t want do burn the floating plant), Amazon sword, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Bacopa or Java Fern for example maybe some drift wood or spider wood if u want to landscape and have some extra money, have fun!

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