I just set up a new tank to move my shrimp and guppy’s into without snails. The plants I had ended up having a hitchhiker on it and caused so many snails so I am trying to avoid them in the new tank. I ended up moving my betta to the old tank with the snails. Does anyone know of any places online that sells plants that are snail free? Or does anyone have any tips on what they do when they get new plants to try to avoid unwanted visitors in their tanks?

Posted by EarlySunsetDays


  1. I buy on eBay Marcus fish he has the best plants and never had a snail or pest anything they arrive clean and in a bubble air bag he does buy 2 get 1 free deal

  2. Spirited-Raisin-1191 on

    Anything marked tissue culture will be pest free. Usually a bit more expensive though. Aquarium plant factory has really great plants, I just put in my 3rd order. I have not had any hitchhikers however it’s not guaranteed unless it says tissue culture

  3. Tissue culture is your only option. You are likely overfeeding contributing to a massive population boom. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something.

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