Not quite sure what to do. Have contacted the company but it's Friday and they're closed on the weekend. I only have a 100L patio pond with medaka.

Posted by 1998-genz


  1. Anxious_Avocado_7686 on

    Yikes, thats a very big mistake, if you had to keep them over the weekend everything should be fine together except for the bettas and channas those are a big concern being together with eachother and the other fish, i really hope things work out this has to be so stressful

  2. cobalt_phantom on

    Maybe reach out to local fish stores and aquarium groups to see if they can hold on to them while you sort things out? That will probably be expensive to ship back and the health of the fish should be top priority imo.

  3. blakeshockley on

    Shit if it were me I’d keep whatever I wanted to and try to take the rest to a lfs. I don’t really think it’s reasonable for that company to expect you to return these fish to them. It’s not like you got the wrong amazon order. It takes a lot keep that many fish alive, even for a few days. I’d be pretty annoyed. That is a massive inconvenience they’ve gifted upon you to say the least.

  4. I don’t know what the company I bought from will say but I think it’s almost certain I will have this box over the weekend. They open in 2 hours so will report back. I do have a totally empty 60L tank (no water or anything) but given the label says these fish were packed in July, if that’s true then I assume it’s filled with dead fish. I was slightly tempted to look inside but if it’s 200+ dead fish that I will have to share my flat with for the next few days then probably best not to

  5. timedwards150 on

    Go to the local pound shop / dollar store and get some big plastic tubs / boxes

    Cheap air pump, manifold and airline tubing from Amazon

    Any floating plants or other spare plants you have

    Nice selection there

    Wait to see what happens and sell locally if needed

    If you are local, I’ll have the CPDs 🫣

  6. OH MY GOD. I just opened it. Totally empty apart from 2 tiny bags with my rice fish! They had recycled the box as well as several more boxes inside?! Disaster averted. They were in a giant polystyrene container too. Wow, sorry for the needless drama!

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