Hey everyone. I have a question about this baby snail that just randomly showed up in my betta’s tank (which is still in the middle of cycling) and I’m not sure what to do with it. What type of snail is it? Should I get rid of it if it becomes a problem / if it reproduces and fuels a population boom?

(Sorry for the bad photos.)

Posted by wenirene


  1. Hard to say what kind of snail it is from the pictures, but it might be a Trumpet snail. I had just one Trumpet snail show up in my aquarium, and because they can reproduce asexually, I had hundreds of them within a month or two. It turned into a full blown infestation, so be careful.

  2. Don’t panic,you probably had a baby snail in you plants.
    I also had random snails in my betta aquarium when i first started cycling it.
    Snails eat algae on leaves and on the glass walls.
    Maybe they eat some leaves when there are not enough algae but this probably not gonna happen.
    Just treat as your personal first clean up crew
    All in all snails are good for your aquarium

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