This is my girl Katy, I've had her for a couple months, she's been roughly this shape/size for the time I've had her but I'm worried it's dropsy, I'm unsure if her scales are pineconing as I just find it hard to tell, thanks for any help!

Posted by TitanGojira


  1. I personally can’t see any raised scales so if it is dropsy it’s a super early stage. How much do you feed? Is she having trouble swimming at all?

  2. It doesn’t look like her scales are pineconing but she has the bloating mine droopsy… I cant tell either.. hope she’s feeling better soon

  3. It really looks like dropsy, my boy looked like that in early stages. I’m not sure why people are saying they don’t see pineconing, I definitely see it in the 3rd photo.. I’d recommend looking into treatment options, and I’m very sorry about your baby

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