Caught on a dollar store jig! If yall have never heard of Daiso, it’s pretty much a Japanese stationary store that sells most things for a $1.25. Saw this the other day and had to try it. Guess I’m going back for more!

Can anyone ID this fish? At first I thought it was a croaker but now I’m not too sure. Most of the croakers I’ve caught looked different, but this guys was smaller than most so maybe the younger ones look like this. Any help is appreciated!

Posted by illumi_nate

1 Comment

  1. Wonderful_Ostrich_11 on

    I’m from the uk and use metals for about 90% of my saltwater lure fishing and rarely blank when I’m out . I tend to fish alot of rock marks with heavy kelp/seaweed so I tend to ditch the treble on the end and run dual assist hooks on the top .

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