HOW IS THIS STILL HAPPENING?! I wanted to cry. I wish I didn’t walk past. Please don’t support these places

Posted by qualntrelle


  1. agreeable_crazy43755 on

    If you wear modern clothes or use technology then you support many worse businesses

  2. I was at a PetSmart (southern California) and an animal welfare officer walked in. I heard her critiquing the care practices of the store employees re the rodents and birds but not the fish. It was good to see that someone was policing them. Maybe I just missed it but if she had looked at the Betta display, she would have seen the usual as in your picture.

  3. ComfiestTardigrade on

    Yeah it’s fucking evil. You should see how they’re bagged for shipping too. It’s so hard to walk past but you gotta, otherwise more just end up there. It’s sad. People treat them as moving decorations instead of living creatures. I would recommend avoiding pet stores that sell live fish (or any live animal not taken care of), if you can. I get some people don’t have other options around. It really should not be legal, I recommend mailing to whoever is in charge of the region where you live (like on a provincial/county/state level) to see if it can get banned. It probably won’t do anything but it might so it’s worth a shot!

  4. Used to work at petco. Unfortunately as much as the employees care, the corporations fucking suck and only value the end profit. Support LFS instead of these shitty corporate chain stores. The policies in place literally prevent us from giving our animals proper care because their bottom dollar is all they care about.

  5. DaddyHEARTDiaper on

    One of my employees came from Petsmart. She got fired for complaining too much about the treatment of their animals.

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