Hey all! I built this for in my 300L community nano fish tank. I used real clay bricks and silicone for ‘cement’. Every ‘floor’ has a hole in it so they can go between levels.

After making sure all the silicone was cured i placed it in a spare tank and blasted a filter at it for a few days. Hoping to get rid of any dust and excess silica. I transferred it to this tank a couple days ago and all seems well 🙂 the fish hang out in the buildings. And the couple of black tiger dario have made the top floor of the left building their territory :). The hillstream loaches are often hanging on the sides of the buildings too :).

Newly planted, so some areas are still sparse but im really happy with it 🥹

Stocking; chili rasbora, clown killis, black tiger dario, khulis, hillstream loaches, pygmy cories, galaxy and dwarf emerald rasboras. Soon shrimp will join this sunken city too.

What do y’all think? Im already thinking of a design for my 70L hexagon. 😁😁😁

Posted by LivinonMarss


  1. payed2poopatwork on

    That is really cool, man. I may need to steal that idea for a tank I’m setting up, lol. Some moss growing out of it would be neat.

  2. This is by far…. (at very least 2nd place) the coolest and most original thing I’ve ever seen as far as DIY decor goes. I saw someone make an “apocalypse shrimp tank” but this is gnarly. Where did you get the bricks??

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