im really not sure whats wrong with my betta, calypso. hes been somewhat inactive, spending a few minutes laying on the bottom of the tank before coming up for air or to greet me but he always just lays back down on the bottom after. he does still eat but im just worried because hes resting a lot. earlier today he was laying at thhe bottom breathing kind of hard.

hes got this white spot on his side (pic 2), it started off as a few little dots in a cluster and then turned into one big spot. its been there for a few weeks, it sort of sticks out a bit. hes also got this lump under his jaw (pic 3), it just appeared overnight a few weeks ago. hes also completely destroyed the front of his bottom fin, started as a tiny tear and then the tear kept getting bigger.

ive had him for about 5 months, hes about 11 months old. he lives in a planted 10 gallon, filtered and heated (80 F). he was treated for gill flukes a week ago, but im not sure if thats what was wrong with him as hes still been resting a lot, but i havent seen him flashing after i treated him so im not sure.

parameters are ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: <0

Posted by aziracroww

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