Obligatory to say I know no one will believe me… or you. But let’s hear it.

I caught my PB Smallmouth on Lake Texoma in 2017. The guide wouldn’t let me touch it because he was so worried about proper fish handling. The fish was easily 24” and round AF. Fought it for a while and before we saw it the guide estimated it was a 32”+ striper. He said “I’m going to unhook it, give it a breath in the water by dipping the net back in, and then we’ll take a few pictures.”

…The second he dipped the net in the water, the fish tail slapped and jumped the 5’ net with ease. The guide was devastated. I was disappointed, but still riding the high of catching a world class smallmouth. It wasn’t for a few hours that I realized no one was going to believe how big the fish was. Sometimes I text the guide to see if he’s caught one that big, last time I checked he hadn’t. I don’t think he appreciates the reminder of that story but sometimes I just need help believing my own story, because even I have difficulty believing it.

This pic is from that day btw. Best picture I’ve ever taken. But woulda have been the second best pic of the day had we gotten one of the smallie.

Posted by BostonFishGolf

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