My female betta, Cookie, passed away a week ago from natural causes and I’d like to get a new betta for my tank. 5 gallons, the water parameters are good, fully planted and I have a nerite snail in the tank as well. How deep of a clean should I do before introducing a new fish? Obviously, I don’t want to crash my cycled tank.

Picture of my Cookie Girl in happier times. 🙂

Posted by SeriousFee8692


  1. Mammoth_Addendum_276 on

    If she didn’t die from something contagious, I don’t think you need to do much cleaning at all. I’d do a big water change and get ready for your next fish.

    I don’t think there’s a way to deep-clean without crashing your cycle unfortunately, but you typically shouldn’t need a deep clean.

  2. If I am replacing a fish like-for-like I usually try to let it go a week or two without the fish I’m replacing just in case it had some issue that could be contagious. Other than that, just normal water changes.

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