I need help is this right my local fish store recommended this the tank is 18L and there is a black morre and 2 fantails I think it’s to small but I was forced it to buying it by the shop owner. Sorry the video is bad, the black morre is doing well it was a swim ladder issue he’s doing well

Posted by Turbulent_Lemon_8821


  1. Anxious_Avocado_7686 on

    Yea that tank is way too small for those goldfish, think for fancy type goldfish the rule is like 20 gallons (80liters) for the first goldfish and 10g (40liters) for every additional goldfish, someone more experienced can maybe help with if that is the correct rule

  2. RainyDayBrightNight on

    Oh good grief, yeah the shop was talking out their arse, that’s awful.

    1. Tanks usually have to be prepped for a month before adding fish
    2. Goldfish get huuuge, and poop like crazy
    3. Three adult fancy goldfish will need at least 50 gallons, aka 190 litres
    4. Three baby goldfish need at an absolute minimum a 20 gallon (75 litre) tank with overfiltration

    If possible, return everything to the store as soon as you can.

    Check out the care guides on r/bettafish and r/goldfish for info on how to set up a tank for fish, and general care and keeping.

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