So i posted a few days ago that i couldn't catch anything. I had an immense amount of supportive tips that i really appreciated.

Today i went on a boat trip and used live worms with a weight and got my first fish after only 2 minutes. I didn't catch anything for the hours after that 😅

I think i am lucky because i was on a boat and could go pretty far into the sea, as i was fishing earlier today near the pier and i saw and felt fish attacking and eating my live worms but could't grab them at all.

I just feel like i am missing something..

ps. does anyone know this species? i thought it was a bluegill but i think i am wrong 🙃

Posted by Silver-River-5106

1 Comment

  1. Nice, keep at it!

    Def not bluegill lol no worries tho, I assume that’s a saltwater fish by the looks of it, i never fish saltwater so idk

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