New to bettas! Just set up my tank with Amazon sword, moss ball, and rotala rotundifolia. 5 gal tank with heater and filter. I just wanted to double check with people who know what they are doing before adding a betta. Am I missing anything? Any tips?

Posted by frogumbrella02

1 Comment

  1. Ok_Condition6755 on

    Bigger tanks are often easier to care for but for a single betta 5 gallon is fine minimum. Did make sure you cycle the tank and test the water quality before adding fish. To help the bacteria start you could buy it at the fish/pet store or add just a few crumbs off fish food. Let the tank run for a few days (preferably at least a week) before adding the betta.

    Over besides that the tank is fine. Just make sure the filter isn’t to strong as male bettas are weak swimmers.

    Just a note on the side I did maybe consider switching substrate to a natural gravel. I don’t know if it’s a 100% true but coloured gravel seems to be very controversial in the fish hobby since some people claim the colour can leak out harmful chemicals into the water. Thought i have failed to find proper sources to confirm this.

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