Does anyone have any ideas what this lump could be? We got Candy Cane at Christmas for my son. Since his 6 (5 when we got her), I supervise him and usually do most of her care. This was just noticed the night before last. She was bloated so I started feeding her small amounts of spirulina instead of her regular bug bites. When she started deflating a bit. I saw it. I don’t think it’s gotten bigger in the last couple days, but I don’t think it’s gotten smaller either.

I’m just really worried about her. It’s my son’s first fish and he loves her so much.

Posted by SapphireEyes425

1 Comment

  1. Flamin_Gamer on

    Based on my limited knowledge, she’s probably just constipated, it could also be dropsy but to me it looks like constipation, overfeeding can result in constipation which can then lead to further infections down the road, id just fast her for a day or two (bettas can survive about a week or two at most without food so 1-2 days is perfectly fine) and see if it goes down and if it doesn’t then I’d look into getting a test kit if you don’t have one already to test the water parameters and see if there’s nothing else wrong with the water

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