for context, new owner + has had him for 0.5 months

no matter what i do he keeps frantically glass surfing regardless of enrichment and if lights are on/off – tried putting plants & community fishes and he still does it. some say its normal behaviour but the way he does it doesn't seem playful or normal as all -> he's obsessively glass surfing + i've noticed his sides has turned significant darker what's going on?

first pic – tank set up (10 gallon, 4 tetras, 2 corydoras, arnd 15% water change weekly)
second – him currently
third – him before i got him

Posted by sdkqlvn

1 Comment

  1. Generally him getting his color is a good thing. So I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

    Is he flaring at the glass or just kinda swimming back and forth? If he’s just swimming I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If he is flaring you can tape a piece of paper to the outside of the glass on 3 sides to help reduce reflections.

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