Hello everyone. This is my little man Jizz (the young child who had him before me named him Giselda, and so I couldn’t change his name too much or it would have confused him).

For the past 4 months, he’s been living his (hopefully) better life, trying to recover from the conditions under his previous owner, and I’ve been really trying to make his home more beneficial for him, implementing every change I read about on this page to make sure he is happy and healthy.

He seemed to perk up and come alive almost as soon as I took him home, and every improvement I’ve made to his living arrangements has seemed to be beneficial to him. A few days ago though, I noticed this white spot on his back starting to form. There are other behaviors that make me think he could be sick (bouts of lethargy that scare me because he appears to be dead), and he just seems off. He’s still swimming around, eating, exploring, but I want to make sure he will be okay and I can help him if he is sick.

– 10 gallon tank
-Heater and filter
-Consistently 79-80°
-I’ve had little man and tank for 4 months
-Water changes every couple weeks, about 20% each time. I did a full change over two weeks ago.
-No tank mates
-Live plants and hidey holes in tank (from original owners)

PH: 8
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrates: 6 ppm

(I treated the water slightly after taking this reading today)


Posted by GirlsCanRideToo


  1. Signal_Prize3036 on

    What caused you to do a full water change two weeks ago? You might’ve reset your nitrogen cycle

  2. Redbastard420 on

    It looks like he has some fin rot going on. Your pH is also out of optimal range and at the very top end of the full range. Don’t do a full water change unless your parameters are catastrophic it definitely would have shocked him a bit. I would try to treat his fin rot with some kanaplex. Just follow the instructions on the tube, and make sure there is no carbon in your filter. Maybe drop your pH down to 7.5 at the highest, but don’t do both of them at the same time. Best of luck!

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