since I put my snail and shrimp in she’s been eating the shrimp pellets. and I think she’s doing this non stop but wouldnt finish the pellets as its not her food. But I feel like she got bloated or fatter. or its just in my head? I was paranoid it myt be dropsy

Posted by rjaylehmann07


  1. Ilovemybf_3990 on

    She’s a perfectly healthy eggy crowntail. Some female bettas with certain body types(Such as crowntails) carry their eggs differently that makes the abdomen appear more round and distinct. Although, bettas can’t digest plant matter so I would really avoid letting her eat anything that contains it. This WILL cause bloating and will lead to issues down the line. Frozen or live is always best but if you are set on pellets Fluval bug bites granules for bettas are the best you can get, just a FYI.❤️

  2. She is a pretty good weight verging on looking a little big imo, but I think the bit of chunk around her stomach are eggs. If you’re concerned, you can fast the whole tank for a day or two and see if it helps. But, in my opinion, she seems fine.

  3. CasiyRoseReddits on

    She looks female to me, lol. All my females have been a bit chunky due to the eggs, so she looks like the right size for an eggy female.

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