There was a fish emergency (we found this poor girl in a disgusting brown murky bowl at work). I immediately went and got a 10g tank and I know it’s not ideal but I’m fish in cycling. She seems to be pretty cheerful, coming up to the glass to see me, and she’s eating well. She enjoys swimming all around.

Can anyone give me any details on her type (crown tail?). Are there any visible injuries? I’m new to betta fish so I’m fairly uneducated.

Posted by Flipslips


  1. actuallyhasproblems on

    Definitely a crowntail.

    To be honest, she looks amazing. Her fins are intact and I personally see nothing concerning.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a long, happy life in the new home you’ve given her.

  2. Sketched2Life on

    I agree with another commenter (actuallyhasproblems).
    I also want to add that she has stress stripes and will most likely color up soon, that is normal and something very positive, so no worries when it happens. ^^

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