Blue got his tank cleaned 1st time. I am sincerly attempting my very first fish.. yes, maybe a golfish coulda, shoulda, woulda been better choice. I love him and thought cuz I could see his bladder not feeding enough. Then clean the tank and here he is. What should I do asap??

Posted by WowWowBeer


  1. Felteddragon89 on

    A goldfish would need at least 200L and another mate do a Betta is easier!

    Get a heater and set it for 26degrees Celcius , a 20L tank with natural substrate and real plants. That way you only need to do water changes every week! Use a gravel cleaner and bucket and watch some videos how to clean, it’s easy!

    As for feeding, give him pellets and only a few twice a day, if I see a lot still floating by the end of the day I use a net and clean them out. Now and then change it up with blood worms or brine shrimp

  2. Felteddragon89 on

    Also get a water conditioner and a nitrogen test kit, add that to the water and let it filtrate first for a while after filling with water, then test it. If everything is normal, put your Betta while inside the plastic bag/cup and let him float in the new tank water for 15min before releasing him. Also turn the heater on meanwhile

  3. MrProfessorFlowers on

    A betta makes an excellent fish for a simpler setup! Goldfish are deceptive and grow very large, much bigger than a casual hobbiest is usually prepared to accommodate, so a betta was a smarter option.

    The person above me is giving good advice! You want to help establish the tanks bacteria, so don’t do full changes. Only maybe 10-15% of the water should come out before you top it back up with your clean water. That way you aren’t putting the tank back at square one!

    And for feeding, less is usually more! He’ll only need a tiny pinch of food each day, they really don’t need a lot. You can watch his weight too, if he starts to get quite wide then cut back a little bit, but if he’s getting slim give him a little more! They’re rather forgiving as long as you observe!

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