Hi everyone, i just started fishing over a week ago, and i do really like the moment of being alone, listening to music, sitting near the beach. But however, it is kinda frustrating to not catch anything.
I bought decent equipment, changed spots, different bait.. nothing works.
I use bait that has like a fish like tail that when you reel it in it, it moves like a fish. i do know i sound like an absolute noob at it, and i am, but i have been looking and reading for weeks but without success.
The spot where i am fishing from are those water breakers as you can see on the picture.
i fish mostly during the daytime here in Valencia, Spain.

Is my bait not good for that spot? What can i change?

Posted by Silver-River-5106


  1. EnvironmentalEbb5391 on

    I have a tough time with lures in the ocean like that. Not saying they can’t work. But I prefer to use shrimp or some kind of cut bait. Live bait is better.

    A bobber or a pompano rig would be good. Also, time your fishing with the tides. High tide is best, low tide is bad. And when the tides are changing is good. So if you’re going to fish for two hours, go one hour before high tide.

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