even though i'm well-researched, i'm nervous that my fish will be uncomfortable or unhappy in the tank so i figured some more experienced advice would help my anxieties.

  • 10gal
  • gravel substrate
  • smooth and polished rocks
  • cleaned driftwood
  • sponge filter
  • heater keeps it at 78f
  • plants are anubias nana, rosette sword, water sprite, and java fern
  • i forgot to get a moss ball as well, but i'll get one when i get the fish
  • planning on getting a female betta if that matters


Posted by starmanrob


  1. looks really good and im sure the plants will continue to grow in nicely! temp is good, only box to check off left is cycle. did u just set up the tank? cycling takes a couple weeks and u need to give a food source – if u need information on that i have a guide !

  2. Prestidigatorial on

    Bettas really enjoy floating plants and they pull a lot more nitrates out than most non-floating plants.

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