Whichever mod is responsible for removing this post, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Posted by MercAlert


  1. thefishthatsings on

    What an absolute piece of shit the mod is. Here is a genuine question from a person who genuinely cares about their fish!!

  2. YummyRiceKrispies on

    This is an absolutely valid post and is a legitimate concern. It should not have been removed.

  3. Got physicist chiming in on the post and this dickhead mod needed his ego stroked cause their mommy didn’t love them

  4. I’m not a physicist, but one thing (desperate attempt) I’d try is to glue/attatch some uneven beads throughout the glass walls to reduce any possible resonance with the sound waves, but it might be worthless depending on how strong the noise is

  5. Captain_Blackbird on

    Reminds me of a post on r/news I replied on, that got deleted, and me perma-banned from the sub.

    Over the last few months, there was a case of pro-Israeli protestors assaulting pro-Palestine protestors in the USA. There were two previous posts of it, but both were deleted within an hour of being posted. Well, a third post was made, and I jokingly replied “Get ready for this to be deleted in__ minutes”.

    Apparently the mods / a mod didn’t like me doing that – and perma banned me. When I asked what I did / what rule I broke or why, *30 day mute, instantly*.

    A surprising number of mods are unapologetically Pro-Israel, no matter what (even sonic booms over civilian centers, is okay to them because its Israel doing it). We’ll see if this reply gets me banned here.

    Sucks, I really hope he/she got an answer to help him/her

  6. AtlasDrugged_0 on

    I suspect the mods let their political bias influence the decision to censor.

  7. This is absolutely disgusting and I’m only here because this happened, shame on you

  8. 9 times out of 10 it’s an auto mod removing things the robots think is political based on certain key words.

  9. Ok_Poetry_1650 on

    Please don’t let the mods turn this into another r/vandwellers Any comment, question, fun fact, or photo has a place here.

  10. coffeeafterthree on

    That’s awful, I hope the post gets reinstated. Other than *actually* having physicists chime in about structural integrity, pressure, shockwaves (that are all personally interesting to me! I was going to take a crack at simulating it), these are legitimate concerns from an aquarist and may actually help others in similar conditions.

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