Caught my PB just now. Not very big at 3.7, but I’ll take it!

Posted by Status-Permission-51


  1. Status-Permission-51 on

    She put up one hell of a fight. I’m still a novice so I had a little trouble keepin’ her pinned, and there was a lot of heavy vegetation, but I managed to land her. Pretty stoked on it and wanted to share!  Caught on a 3” Keitech Easy Shiner Texas rigged. 

  2. CaptainZiltoid on

    In before the brigade. People are going to roast you for holding the bass that way. Try to fully support it, if you don’t hold it vertically.

  3. UndergroundFisherman on

    Hope you ate it, sucker’s dead in a few days from starvation since you broke it’s jaw.

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