Just wanna share the story about this little one. I have 7 ember tetras. And only one of them is so fat. She kept stealing the shrimps food. The other 6 doesn't do that. She's definitely not readying eggs or sick cause she's been the same for over a year. Look how fat she is compared to others. She's a big bully too, towards all shrimps and other ember tetras alike. She's the only one with a name, cause she's so recognisable as she terrorise everyone else. Her name is not in English, but it roughly translates to darn fat fish.

Btw I don't over feed them. Everyone else is fine. She's the one who's too greedy.

Posted by FaythKnight

1 Comment

  1. Full_Ad_3226 on

    These are the nicest looking ember tetras! They’re mildly orange everywhere else I’ve seen them.

    She is fat. There’s always one shoaling fish that takes life by the horns. They’re obnoxious but it ends up being endearing.

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