My dog, who is 98% of the really good at not getting into anything ever, ate the whole package of my snail’s food! They were the Hikari mini sinking wafers. From my googling I think pup should be fine. Anyone else’s dog ever done this? Lol

I have a betta tank with one nerite snail, will he be fine a few days without any supplemental food? Anything I can do in a pinch? 🤦‍♀️ Guilty dog pic, plus betta and poor snail buddy 😆

Posted by BlackAce1124


  1. It is very very rare for a nerite snail to eat anything that isn’t fresh algae or biofilm. Because of that, you should always make sure there is enough growing in the tank to sustain them.  

     Did you actually see him (snail) eat those wafers? 

  2. Dog should he fine. I have to keep my fish food kept out of reach of my cat and dog. They love the smell, and my dog especially goes after anything Hikari brand. I mean, it smells so strong to me, so imagine how overpowering that odor must be for them. Poor pooch couldn’t handle themselves

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