To all my fellow fly fishing enthusiast, I just wanted to share a story that happened to a friend of mine that is a fly fishing guide in and around Jackson Hole and Yellowstone community. His name is Josh Gallivan at Grande Teton Fly Fishing. Do you think we can help him out so he can get back on the water so he can get back to work as soon as possible? Thank you for your time and support.

The below was posted on Josh Gallivan Facebook page. Advise if you have any questions.

Hi to all my friends in the Jackson hole fly fishing community, fellow guides, clients and social media friends!

Two days ago I had 5K worth of fly fishing gear stolen from my truck and after filing a police report and trying to work with my insurance company to resolve the situation there is nothing that can be done and I’m left with no gear to continue my guide season. I supply my guests with all the gear they need so this is a huge blow to me and my work in the busy season.

I’m asking my community for support! If anyone would like to help out a starving artist (aka fly fishing guide) in need, and help me get some of the tools I need for my job I would be so appreciative! I’ll drop my Venmo details below 🙏

Furthermore here are some photos of the last few weeks on the water. I feel so lucky to get to 'work’ on the lakes and rivers in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Best job I ever had!!

Posted by Hour_Consequence6248

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